Welcome to ThinkTheory19! This is a website I have set up as a support network for Nursing Students from across the UK. The site is aimed at those students who are undertaking theory currently, during the COVID19 pandemic. I myself am a nursing student in Scotland and wanted to set this website and accompanying Twitter account up to be a place where students could come and connect, collaborate, share skills and experiences, as well as practices. You can read a bit more about me under the About Me section of the site. On this site, you will find messages from nurse leaders from around the UK. These nurse leaders have taken the time out their busy lives to send you a message because they understand the challenges this pandemic brings to the nursing students of the UK. You will also find blog posts, like this one. If you are interested in writing one, let me know. There is a Helpful Resources section, where I have shared some website links which I think you will find useful, as well as a Clinical Skills Centre. In here, you will find links to appropriate clinical skills websites, appropriate to us as nursing students. The Forum is the HUB of this new site. Please do join and get involved. You will be able to chat, ask questions, share stories and keep up to date with students from across the UK in the same situation as you.
It might be that you decided theory was the choice for you, or it might be there was influencing factors meaning theory was your only choice, nevertheless, the choice was yours and I want to ensure you are supported and commended for it. The choice is important in life and as nursing students, we know that only too well. We offer our patients choice all the time, from what they would like to eat or drink, to if they would like to go ahead with a certain treatment. That patient's choice is not one we would think of judging, so its important to remember your choice should not be judged either during this set of circumstances. My message to you is that we are all Future Nurses, who are appreciated, commended, respected and honoured, regardless of choice.